Sunday, October 28, 2007

Been in school for about a month, what do you feel illiterate & literate in?

Since i have been in school for over a month i think i have becomne more literate in my idea thinking. i can easily find something to write about. But at times the way my sentences flow dont seem as well but i still am able to write down what i am trying to express. even though it takes time for me to learn how to write a proper sentence i still manage to fix it. so what i need to learnb more about its how to put everything together. such as ot writing run on sentences, or misspell words, or get out of topic, which i tend to do quit frequently.. that is my only error that i tend on doing alot.. i start writing and ideas start to come to my head anhd i do get off topic. but that is something that i need to improve on.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What Am I Literate At ..Huh?

Heellooo.... I find myself to be very literate when it comes to studying material and memorizing important facts... Even thought i read and study things about two to three times it has really helped me learn to memories important facts quit easily. I'v learned to take notes and put them in index cards and from their i can lets say study about 30 words and their definition per day. i loovveee to study.. even though i have prcrastinated at times which has not helped but because of my memorization skill it has helped me pass even when craming for exams... which isn't a good think .... okay so my memory makes me quit literate... Thanx =)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Iv Read recently this year "the Color Purple".. I actually first saw the movie before I read the book.. When I first saw the movie i actually thought it was pretty good, but when i read the book it was much more discriptive and alittle more graphic with its words.. The movie really cleaned it up a bit. But that book was read for fun.. Right now im reading Literate Lives in the Information Age for my English 101 class.. It is an interesting book to read and has alot of information down so at times i do have to read it a couple of times before i understand it completely..
If i had to chose 5 books the recommend it would be "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest","Catcher In The Rye", "Of Mice and Men", "The Color Purple", and some of the Harry Potter books lol