Sunday, October 28, 2007

Been in school for about a month, what do you feel illiterate & literate in?

Since i have been in school for over a month i think i have becomne more literate in my idea thinking. i can easily find something to write about. But at times the way my sentences flow dont seem as well but i still am able to write down what i am trying to express. even though it takes time for me to learn how to write a proper sentence i still manage to fix it. so what i need to learnb more about its how to put everything together. such as ot writing run on sentences, or misspell words, or get out of topic, which i tend to do quit frequently.. that is my only error that i tend on doing alot.. i start writing and ideas start to come to my head anhd i do get off topic. but that is something that i need to improve on.

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